Lipreading Classes in Carmarthenshire

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About the group
Lipreading classes in Carmarthenshire are offered face-to-face and online for people looking to learn lipreading in the county.
It’s online classes are funded by Carmarthenshire County Council and to join you need to live in the council area. The face-to-face class are funded by the Welsh Council for Deaf People.
All classes are mixed ability.
Venue and times
If you would like to join one of the classes they take place at the following days and times:
- Monday 2.00 -4.00pm (Online)
- Thursday 11.30am -1.30pm (Online)
- Wednesday 10.0am -12 noon. (Face to Face)
Meeting weekly during term time
They face-to-face class takes place at Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services,
18 Queen Street, Carmarthen SA31 1JT.
Please get in touch if you are interested in joining our friendly group using the contact details below.
- Anne Orpin
- Email:
- Mobile: 07939 567846