Information pack

Request our information pack to find out how our services can help you, or a loved one, to live well with hearing loss.

In this pack, you will receive our services leaflet, product catalogue, details of how to access our Helpdesk, and information on our LinkUp support groups.

Please complete the form below and we will dispatch your information pack within 7 working days. If you have any queries, please contact us.

If you are a professional working in the audiology, sensory support or health sector, please visit our Professional Resources section to request your literature.

Please note: We can only distribute information packs to UK residents only.

Complete the form


Contact preferences

Your support changes lives. If you would like to receive information about the impact of your kindness, and how you can support the life-changing work of Hearing Dogs and Hearing Link, please let us know how you would like to stay in touch.
By email
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By phone
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By text
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By post
We send our supporter magazine, appeals, raffles and other ways you can support our work by post.
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