Gift in your Will

Did you know that over half our services are funded thanks to gifts in Wills?
Many people with hearing loss feel lonely and isolated: cut off from the world around them. The many barriers they have to face in their daily lives can reduce confidence, independence, safety and take a real toll on their mental and physical wellbeing.
We can help deaf people, and those living with hearing loss, to manage these challenges. This is why we offer a wide range of personalised services, and train highly-skilled hearing dogs.
Today the demand for all of our services is great. The number of people with hearing loss is rising.

We receive no central government support, and over half our donations are from gifts in Wills through the kindness of people like you.
So we need help to realise our goal: to see a time when no deaf person, or those living with hearing loss feels alone.

“I wanted to be able to give some back to the wonderful organisation who transformed my life. To ensure they are there to support more deaf people and their families in the future. I will be remembering Hearing Dogs in my Will. The Charity can only provide its core services, thanks to the generosity of its supporters who donate monthly, sponsor a puppy, or leave a gift in their Will.”
How to leave a gift in your Will
We do understand that gifts in Wills are incredibly personal decisions. But they can also be surprisingly quick and simple to organise.
If you don’t have a Will
Follow these three simple steps to make your gift to deaf people.
- Make a list of everything you own, including property and investments, and decide who to name as executors. These are the people who will make sure your wishes are carried out.
- Decide who to include. For many people, loved ones will come first, but then you might also like to think about leaving a gift to a charity. When considering our charity and support provided by Hearing Link Services, some people leave a percentage of their estate to us.
- Use a solicitor to write your Will so that the legalities are properly covered.
You can also write your Will for free using the Hearing Dogs Free Will Service. Find out more here.
If you already have a Will
To add our services as a beneficiary, talk to your solicitor about updating your Will, or completing a codicil and storing it with your Will.
For more information about leaving a gift in your Will
If you are considering leaving a gift in your Will in support of our services, please contact Zoe Cox by emailing or calling 01844 348 180.