Hearing loss research – add your input

We’ve received a number of updates recently from researchers whose projects touch on hearing loss-related issues in one way or another. If you would like to participate in any of these initiatives, brief details are below.
- Chioma Nwaefulu from Bath University would like to hear from people with hearing loss to help him design a new portable closed captioning system for everyday conversations. Contact: cjn38@bath.ac.uk
- Alasdair Russell from the University of Glasgow needs your help with user studies into how to convey more emotional information in subtitles. Contact: 2315645r@student.gla.ac.uk
- Reflect, a new not-for-profit influencer talent management agency, would like to hear from individuals from diverse and minority groups working in the media. Complete their survey at www.research.net/r/55WJ9QH
- Samuel Chapman from UCL is investigating the experiences of those who have tinnitus and who have been given online tinnitus consultations as a result of the pandemic. Contact: samuel.chapman.20@ucl.ac.uk
- Paige Cunnington from Loughborough University is completing a study exploring the associations between hearing, physical activity, and learning in young adults aged 18-39 years (without a cochlear implant) who own a fitness tracker/smartwatch which tracks step count and heart rate. Contact: P.Cunnington-19@student.lboro.ac.uk
(Please note: Hearing Link is not associated with any of these projects)