Share your views on Scotland’s next See Hear strategy

Do you want to help shape future provision for people with hearing or sight loss in Scotland?
The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) is looking for the views of people with hearing and sight loss to develop the Scottish Government’s next See Hear Strategy.
Have your say – See Hear online survey
The online survey is for adults aged over 18 years old who have sight, hearing, deafness or deafblindness challenges, to share their views and give feedback on issues affecting them.
The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete and is open until Friday 20th October 2023. To take part, follow this link:
Got questions?
Do you have a query about your hearing loss or our services? Our Helpdesk team is here to provide answers.
Join a focus group
In addition to the survey, The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) will also be running a series of lived experience focus groups for these key stakeholders to help shape understanding of how a new See Hear strategy should be developed.
The ALLIANCE is recruiting for adult participants who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing and whose first or preferred language is spoken English.
This focus group will take place on Monday 2nd October 2023, 11am – 1pm and electronic notetakers will be provided for communication support. Please note that places are limited, so booking is essential. To register your interest, please email
There are separate focus groups for adults who are Deaf and whose first or preferred language is British Sign Language (BSL), adults who are blind or partially sighted, and adults living with deafblindness. Details of these can be found here.
What is See Hear?
See Hear is the national, strategic framework for sensory impairment in Scotland. It promotes a seamless multi-agency approach to assessment, care and support to people with a sensory impairment.
To read the current strategy, visit here: