Please note that this news item is more than 6 months old. The information contained within may no longer be current.

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Not long ago my youngest had a friend over to play for the afternoon; they were running around playing ball and shooting each other and the friend had become very thirsty. Being a polite little boy, he asked me if he could have some water.

As I had my back to him I didn’t hear him and after several tries I gather, he finally went to get Chris who tapped me and told me what they wanted.

As I handed him the water, Chris explained that I was deaf. The boy clearly didn’t believe him and said so. Chris insisted that it was true, but the boy was still not convinced even when I told him Chris was right. I could see Chris think hard about this and suddenly he said to the boy: ‘watch this’ and turning his head slightly so I couldn’t see his face properly he said something.

The boy nearly gagged on his water and looked at me expectantly. Chris did it again and the boy spluttered, both of them laughing. ‘You try’ Chris said to the boy, obviously giving him instructions how to turn his face away. The boy did and when I didn’t react Chris delighted said ‘I told you’.  Alex had now joined us and he too was in stitches while the younger boys continued their act. ‘What are they doing?’ I asked Alex in exasperation. Between fits of laughter he explained – they were taking turns to say swear words!