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Unconnected Thoughts

No bleeps for rude subtitles & encouragement to join a lipreading class

I wasn’t paying much attention to TV the other night which was, as always, on with subs up. The sound was low but the bleeping out of ‘strong adult language’ made me look up to see what was causing such heated discussion. It was a drunk on some police documentary who was assuring the officers that he was fit and fine to go about his night out.

What caught my eye though wasn’t the chap’s inability to stand up, but the subtitles which put up every bad word he said – no bleeping on subs. Adult language isn’t new to me (I know, I look so innocent) but it still comes a surprise to see the most astonishing language in print across the screen.

But if a director has decided the film needs such strong language then those who rely on print instead of ears should have the same access to the actor’s words. I just hope the language doesn’t get on screen before the watershed.

It’s impossible to miss the ‘Thank You Teacher’ cards on sale at the moment. I only gave one teacher a card of thanks, although when I left school (I chucked in my studies for a profession because I wanted a motorcycle now – much to Pa’s despair) I did get ‘Thanks for leaving’ cards from most teachers – in thought if not deed.

The teacher I really do respect for her great work is Sue’s Lipreading teacher, Sam. Sam not only inspired Sue to keep going to class, she helped Sue overcome the fear of being in a group. I doubt that those of us without impaired hearing can truly understand the fear a non-hearing person faces when entering group situations.

Sam, her colleagues and Hearing Link routinely help people overcome – or, at least, control – those fears. So lipreading, as I’ve said before, provides not just communication skills but coping skills (and new friends) and as one educational term ends I urge all who think it would help to join classes for the next term.