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Hero of the hour? Or just a pain in the neck?

Hearing loss and over protectiveness

Our confusion over me avoiding someone reminded me of a tremendously heroic incident by me, which ended with me feeling grumpy and somewhat superfluous.

Last year Sue and I walked across a large car park, I was using both hands to do up my jacket while Sue walked next to me. I looked up when I heard a car approaching and saw Sue in the process of stepping out in front of said car which she hadn’t heard. My hand broke the sound barrier as I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. Instead of the thanks and ‘my hero’ routine I might have expected I received a gorgon-like scowl whilst Sue rubbed her shoulder and complained I’d hurt her.

I explained she’d been about to get run over. Still no smile. ‘You really hurt me’ she replied, ‘you’ve got a grip like a vise’ (her favourite comment if I do accidently use too much grip). Again, I told her I was pulling her back to safety, but Sue felt I was overreacting and used unwarranted strength.

I’ll admit I got into a huff, perhaps even a full-blown sulk. I felt I’d been chivalric and loving and saved her. Sue just felt pain in her shoulder. Next day I thought she probably also felt vulnerable and embarrassed as well as very shocked. I shouldn’t have grumped in the first place, but I had felt unappreciated.

There’s a saying about not judging someone until walking in their shoes. That applies here and to be honest it was a stupid thing to get miffed over. Bloody good reflexes though!