Alison’s Update

Midsummer’s Day has been and gone however for most of us the sun is staying out. Don’t forget your suncream. Find a bench and read on for more updates.
Volunteers’ week
We celebrated all your good work during Volunteers’ week at the beginning of the month. You can see some of our social media posts below. If you’re on Facebook or Twitter do have a look.
You can also read Merleen Watson’s blog on our website.
Blog: Volunteers Week – What volunteering means to me – Hearing Link Services
Something that will ring true with all of you is when she says “My husband Paul and I have lost count of all the ‘casual’ conversations we have had whilst out and about.” We know that you all take every opportunity to raise awareness and give support to anyone who needs it. Merleen says “Volunteering is in my soul.” I can see that that’s true of you all. So once again Thank you. Now don’t forget to check out social media and our website to read the full article.

Please join me in adding a special Thank You to Grange Volunteers Pam and David White. Without them there would be no literature at your outreach sessions or community days. Pam and David come into the Grange every week to parcel up all the leaflets you have requested and to send out any mass communications in the mail. They can also often be seen helping out at events including Hearing Info Days, the Christmas Fair and the Great British Dog Walk.

Ear ‘N’ Dog

A few of us met down the Ear ‘n’ Dog to celebrate Volunteers’ Week. We had a lovely time together an as usual entertaining stories were told and we got to know each other even better.