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6 Tips to Protect Your Hearing

Protecting your hearing is possible, particularly if you remain vigilant about the situations where your hearing could be most at risk.

Whether it’s at work, on the streets of the big city you live in, or at a specific activity such as a concert, be proactive about how you protect your ears. Best Hearing Health have just published a guide on hearing health, here are their tips for protecting hearing:

1. Use Soundproof Earplugs

Many people are exposed to loud noises primarily in the workplace or when they’re participating in recreational activities. Regardless of the specific situation, wearing soundproof earplugs can go a long way in protecting your hearing.

2. Know the Warning Signs

Sometimes it can be helpful to know the warning signs that you’ve been exposed to too much sound. That will allow you to remove yourself from a potentially harmful situation if necessary.

For example, if you notice that there’s a ringing or buzzing in your ears, you may need to leave the situation where you’re exposed to loud noise.

3. Consider Your Environment

While work and certain recreational activities are a big source of noise exposure for many people, your daily environment could be as well.

For example, if you live in a big city, you may be regularly exposed to very loud noises without even realizing it. You can wear earplugs when you’re out and about in a big city or something like noise-cancelling headphones.

4. Limit How Often You Listen to Loud Music

A good rule of thumb is to listen to music through headphones or earbuds at no greater than 60 percent volume and for no longer than 60 minutes each day. Earbuds can be especially harmful to your ear health because of where they’re placed, so you may want to skip them and used traditional headphones instead.

5. Get Regular Hearing Checkups and Screenings

Just as you take care of other areas of your health and wellness, it’s important to do the same for your hearing.

6. Give Your Ears Time to Rest and Recover

Our ears and our auditory system are like the rest of our body—they need time to rest and recover. If you’re exposing your ears to loud sounds, consider taking a break every few minutes if possible. For example, if you’re at a loud restaurant, step outside and let your ears rest for a few minutes.

More information from US website Hearing Health.