
Sound: a story of hearing lost and found

Sound by Bella BathurstReviewed by Sylvia Irvine-Robertson Bella Bathurst is a writer and photojournalist whose personal experience of hearing loss, combined with biographical and historical accounts, forms the bedrock of Sound. I had no preconceptions about this book, but from the first page, I was gripped by her account of a sailing trip she undertook in the early […]

Research shows Brits unaware of hearing loss comorbidities

mental healthLess than a third of people in the UK (29%) know about common comorbidities with hearing loss. In a recent survey of 2000 UK adults, commissioned by the British Irish Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association (BIHIMA), consumers were questioned about their awareness of the co-existence of hearing loss and other diseases such as dementia, depression, cardiovascular […]

IFHOHYP host webinar on late deafness

Please note: This event has now taken place Join the International Federation of Hard of Hearing Young People (IFHOHYP) for a webinar this week as part of its World Hearing Day activities. “Remembering, Reimagining, Rebuilding: Life after late deafness” will take place via Zoom on Saturday 6th March. Speakers from across the globe, will share […]