Participants wanted for Roger Mic study

Culture Clinic is currently running a research study on a new version of the Roger Mic – and they would like your feedback!
The research will be a 90 minute interview (one-to-one) where there will be a chance to discuss the prototype and walk through how it works.
They are keen to gauge reaction of users by observing natural interaction with the device in order to inform an inclusive and user-friendly end design.
If you are a current Roger Pen user, or might be considering using a Roger Pen device in the future but have not yet used it with a wireless microphone – they want to hear from you!
Interviews will take place in central London on Monday 2nd/ Tuesday 3rd/ Wednesday 4th September. To thank participants for their time, they will be able to offer £100 on the day.
Please get in touch to register your interest and book a time slot with us When getting in touch please let us know your age/occupation/which devices you currently have.