Please note that this news item is more than 6 months old. The information contained within may no longer be current.

Would love to talk, but…

We are receiving an increasing number of requests for talks. Margaret Canning and Richard Peoples (pictured) are off to Winchburgh Senior Citizens as I write, to talk about hearing loss and Hearing Link Services. The Senior Citizens had a talk from Catherine Steyn about hearing dogs a couple of months ago and asked for another talk from Hearing Link Services as this is relevant to a number of their members.

Some of you have told me that you would love to do talks for us, but you wouldn’t be able to hear any questions from the audience. We have, I hope, worked this out for Sylvia Irvine Robertson who will be speaking to a church friendship group in August. This one was made a bit easier for us as the organiser has hearing loss and understands what needs to be done. Someone will repeat the questions for Sylvia and they will discuss their approach to this together and have a solution in place well before the talk takes place.

Does anyone have any experiences they can share on this topic? Have you discovered any useful tips you can share? We’d love to hear from you.