Please note that this news item is more than 6 months old. The information contained within may no longer be current.

Nicholas’ service update

Again another busy month for our peer support team. Here are more details of our different activities.

Hearing Loss Community Days

Our community events have had a really popular month with Windsor, Glasgow, Somerset, Yorkshire already taking place and Chepstow and Kent set to complete the month.

Huge thanks to our Partnership Instructor colleagues for organising the days and to Charles, May, Elaine, Ailsa, Merleen and Paul, and Julia for volunteering your time and experience at these events. 

May said: “A fantastic day at the ‘Glasgow’ Community Day in Cumbernauld. HD Staff Siobhan and Susan along with peer support volunteers Charles, Elaine and myself met with over 20 partnership members and Hearing Link Services’ guests.

“We spoke to almost everyone with lots approaching us to chat or with specific queries, our display was well examined!” 

There is lots more content over on our Facebook and X channels. Make sure you are following Hearing Link Services and don’t forget to be part of the conversation.

Teams channel

Hearing Link Services Teams Channels continue to be a great source of information and sharing for us. October saw an average of 2 posts a week across the channels and had engagement from our 53 active users in the past 30 days. Do keep your contributions coming in – it makes for a great community space!