Please note that this news item is more than 6 months old. The information contained within may no longer be current.

We have a new hearing support service!

More good news! We have launched a new monthly drop-in service at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital, situated in the hospital’s atrium it is for all patients and their visitors.

By speaking to our peer support volunteers Paul and Merleen (and Merleen’s hearing dog Zyla), people can get direct advice on visiting a loved one with hearing loss to help them with communication and understanding their stay there. 

Equally patients to audiology can call in on their way to or from an appointment for additional support and advice. 

The stand has been developed in partnership with several of the hospital’s departments including Patient, Carer and Public Engagement, Nursing and Surgery with an eye on improved communication for patients with hearing loss. 

Over 40 people engaged with the volunteers at our first session this month. Going forwards our sessions will take place on the third Thursday of every month, from 10.30am-2.30pm for an initial 6-month period. 

Monthly thanks to all the volunteers at the established Edinburgh and London outreach sessions, and in particular to Elaine and Mary who ran each session single-handedly.👍