Search results for: tinnitus

Blog: My hearing loss journey

Colin Ayres, Hearing Link volunteer ...also my DEAFvibe Club. I became a trustee of DEAFvibe. In addition I undertook a tinnitus course run by the British Tinnitus Association and became an approved advisor on tinnitus. This involved running a local tinnitus class, providing support and information for people with tinnitus and their families and friends, and promoting the work of the renowned British Tinnitus Association. Still keen to learn more, I met a wonderful lipreading teacher, Tom Kane, and enjoyed three years under his instruction....

Information event in Omagh, NI

...number of hearing loss and tinnitus organisations represented. We invite you to come along and visit our information stand where you can learn more about our work and how we can help you, or someone you care for, deal with hearing loss and tinnitus. Our friendly staff and volunteers will be delighted to answer any questions you might have. A loop system will be in place and refreshments will be available. Please see the flyer link below for details on...

Sound Oasis Classic - product of the month

sound oasis tinnitus sound therapy device with 6 control buttons To mark Tinnitus Awareness Week, our product for the month is the Sound Oasis Classic. This compact and attractive sound therapy system has a choice of 6 high quality sounds plus the option to purchase additional sound cards and is commonly used to manage the symptoms of tinnitus. Features include: Plays 6 authentic, high fidelity built-in nature sounds: Ocean Surf, Stream, Rain, White Noise, Summer Night & Wind. World’s only sound card technology for changing sound themes. State-of-the-art digital playback...

Eva's hearing loss story

Eva at Palm Canyon ...sudden hearing loss in her left ear, very similar to mine. She also has tinnitus and some slight balance issues, which accompany her hearing loss. Eva is 45 and is from Southern California. She enjoys hiking in the mountains and the beautiful Californian terrain, playing golf, yoga, attending her local book club meetings, and spending time with her friends and family. She was working as a director in the business office at a local college but recently stepped down from...

Blog: Please help people with sudden hearing loss

...with my partner, and working as an Early Years teacher. My hearing loss came as a shock; I didn’t know there was such a thing as sudden hearing loss until it happened to me. I didn’t know that sudden hearing loss is an emergency and that it should be treated as soon as possible. I didn’t know where to find help or information. I initially found it difficult to explain to others the new sensations I was experiencing—distorted sounds, tinnitus,...

How to protect your hearing during fireworks.

...only last for a brief amount of time and when viewed from a safe distance, they shouldn’t cause any lasting damage. However, some people often experience tinnitus after listening to fireworks, you can find more information on tinnitus here. We have 6 tips for looking after your ears: Keep a safe distance away. It’s recommended to be more at least 15-20 metres from the launch site, but the further away you are, the safer it is. For children, a greater...

Dream a Little Dream (of Mama cass, not me)

Hearing loss, tinnitus & dreaming As well as being beneficial to mental health, dreams have been the source for and subject of all varieties of art – they’ve also resulted in some outrageously harebrained ideas. Anyone whose spent time with animals must have wondered what they dream of; I’ve watched horses, dogs and cats display clear indications they’re running and interacting with ‘things’ in their sleep. Dreams can also be utterly baffling or clear in their ‘message’. Two weeks ago...