NADP conference date announced – London

The National Association of Deafened People’s annual conference will take place next month (June).
‘Going places with your hearing loss – travel, leisure and the Arts’ will be held at Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AE on 22nd June from 9-4pm.
The conference will be opened by Lilian Greenwood MP, NADP President and will include a range of travel experts and organisations who are improving experiences for people with all levels of hearing difficulties including British Airways, National Theatre and Victoria & Albert Museum.
There will also be deafened presenters talking about their experiences and how they have overcome the barriers they have faced while accessing travel, leisure or the arts and sharing the tips they have learned along the way.
Both the morning and afternoon sessions will include panel discussions with an opportunity to ask questions and share experiences. There will be a range of stalls for attendees to gather more information about hearing loss and ask questions.
Communication Support provide will include a hearing loop, Lipspeaker with Sign, and STTR (Speech to Text Reporter) projected onto a large screen and also to tablets for those with sight difficulties.
Tickets cost £10 for members and £15 for non-members.
You can book your tickets online at:
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