HEAR Today exhibition to take place in Kent

An exhibition that focuses on technology and services designed to make life easier for people with hearing loss will take place this month (September) in Orpington, Kent.
The HEAR Today exhibition will take place on Saturday 18th September at Orpington Methodist Church, 19 Sevenoaks Rd, Orpington BR6 9JH from 10-4pm.
Admission to the event is free and there will be information stands from national organisations, including our charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Come along and meet our volunteers and find out more about our clever hearing dogs and the Hearing Link services available to support you or a loved one.
There will also be local charities, hearing aid and assistive listening device manufacturers and information about local lipreading classes.
HEAR Today was originally intended to be held in May last year, but the event was canned due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
It is being promoted by Deaf – not stupid, the Facebook page for people who are deaf and hard of hearing which is the brainchild of Steve Cotterell, a retired technical journalist. It has almost 7000 followers internationally.
Steve said: “I realised that there was nowhere for people who are deaf or hard of hearing to go to read unbiased reviews of the equipment and services that they need. This inspired me to create the Deaf – not stupid Facebook page and archive website, on which people can read, completely free of charge, reviews that I have written of more than 160 products and services – with new reviews constantly being added. The HEAR TODAY exhibition is a natural continuation of this idea, offering an opportunity for people to examine the services and equipment at first hand.”
The exhibition will be open from 10-4pm. Teas, coffees and other refreshments will be available in the new church café.