Please note that this news item is more than 6 months old. The information contained within may no longer be current.

Services update January 2023: LinkUps and Hearing Support Sessions

By Nicholas Orpin

The first series of 2023 dates for LinkUp groups is now agreed:-

  • 24-26 March: The Grange, Buckinghamshire
  • 21-23 April: Cookstown, Northern Ireland
  • 19-21 May: Fife, Scotland
  • 30 June – 2 July: The Beatrice Wright Centre, Yorkshire

Our Advisor colleagues in the Central Support Team will be managing the bookings and promoting internally. The Partnership Instructors in the Community Support Team will share with our partnerships, and we’ll use promotions on the website and social media as a date/location approaches.

Once we know the size and profile of the group we’ll be able decide on the right number of volunteers and roles, contributor sessions and training opportunities for new LinkUp volunteers.

The dates are on the website and please follow us on Facebook and Twitter where you can ‘share’, ‘like’ and ‘retweet’ our posts about this valuable support.

Hearing Support Sessions: Our excellent drop-in sessions in London and Edinburgh continue in 2023. If you would like to be involved in volunteering at either venue, please get in touch. In any case, do share this information on your networks to anyone who you think could benefit from a friendly conversation with our volunteer team.

Click the links for further news on:-