Blog 4: Getting ready for launch

As we prepare to host our first Helpful Hour webinar this week (Friday October 13), our volunteer Julia counts down to our live event…
The countdown begins
COUNTDOWN! It really does feel like we are launching something very special out into the wide unknown. Our peer support team have spent many hours, over many months, with much thought and discussion about our Helpful Hours project – and now we’re nearly ready to go.
The detail is secure: the PowerPoint with excellent comprehensive slides, the accompanying handout notes (all given the polish by charity staff) are finished (or as finished as we really feel it can be).
I believe everyone – all the volunteers who have worked on the idea; Nicholas, our Service Delivery Manager, and Lorna and her communications team – have done a fantastic job in creating this service. Our live trials have given us an early indication that this webinar is going to provide a huge area of help, advice and assurance to all those with hearing impairment who need support and confidence to have a successful audiology appointment.
Building my skills
However, as with everything in today’s world, presenting a webinar means getting to grips with different types of technology. We present our Helpful Hours using Microsoft Teams webinars, so the key was not to have it stalling on its rocket launch pad. It was essential that as presenters, we felt secure in setting up and running the online talks. There was a lot that needed to be tweaked and understood.
I confess I have learnt more about the world of IT in the last few weeks than in most of the years beforehand. Two screens? Okay, sounds interesting! So, clear my cluttered desk and find room for the new screen.
A new camera? Okay, I’ve found the socket to plug it into my laptop.
StreamCast a new app – download to allow speech-to-text onto the screen when I am talking. Right…got that.
Got questions?
Do you have a query about your hearing loss or our services? Our Helpdesk team is here to provide answers.
Giving me confidence
It has been a challenge, but one that has opened yet another new avenue for me in my desire to share my knowledge of being hearing impaired in a hearing world. It has given me the chance to explore how we, who rely on hearing devices, audiologists, and a huge input of technology, cope.
So, I do now appreciate how to use two screens, where to position the camera and which bit of screen needs the text (speech text) to be accessible. I feel chuffed about all of that. But perhaps the most important thing of all is that curiously, in a world where I often struggle because I can’t hear and find communications difficult, my confidence has grown so much in this learning process.
I am very excited and look forward to putting the Helpful Hour we have created out live and launched into the wide unknown. I really hope you will be part of our journey.
There’s still time book your place on our “How to get the most from your audiology appointment” webinars. Choose your session here: