cochlear implant

Study assesses solutions which improve online conversations for cochlear implant users

cochlear implantThe Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre has launched a new study which aims to better understand which technology solutions (such as live transcriptions) may help to alleviate the challenges experienced by individuals who use a cochlear implant during online conversations. They are looking for adults (age 18 or over), who use at least one cochlear-implant, speak English […]

Blog: Hearing aids versus a cochlear implant – which is better for adults with severe hearing loss?

A row of hearing aids in several shapes, sizes and coloursPlease note: applications have now closed. By Dr Adele Horobin Well, for people who have hearing loss equal to or greater than 80dB, NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) advise that a cochlear implant is better.  But what about people who just miss out on this cut-off point? People with hearing loss between […]

Cochlear implant users needed for Covid-19 study

Please note: This survey has now closed. The Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre is looking for adults who use at least one cochlear implant to assist in a new research. The study aims to better understand the impact that the measures introduced to combat the spread of COVID-19, such as the use of face-masks and the […]

Cochlear implant drop-in service looking for new volunteers – Manchester

Elderly woman and younger woman volunteeringA group of volunteers who support patients with auditory implants is looking for new members to join their team. The Richard Ramsden Centre for Auditory Implants based at Manchester Royal Infirmary offers the drop-in sessions for patients can find out about more assistive listening devices and try them at home. The group is completely voluntary […]

British Society of Audiology conference date announced

Men and women seated around a conference table using an FM system (Courtesy of Phonak)The 2019 British Society of Audiology (BSA) conference is set to take place on Wednesday 5th June. The BSA Annual Conference continues to be the leading UK scientific forum to bring together clinicians and researchers who have an interest in hearing, tinnitus and balance. The event promises to offer delegates the latest in audiology research, […]